Greek 4749. στολή
A long, ankle-length robe worn by kings, priests & persons of rank.
- Mark 12:38 (The scribes wear long robes)
- Mark 16:5 (An angel at the tomb)
- Luke 15:22 (The prodigal son is dressed in the finest clothing)
- Luke 20:46 (Jesus warns of the scribes)
- Rev 7:9 (Tribulation saints at the throne of Christ)

While not exclusively used to refer to the clothing of important figures, it is used here:
- Gen 27:15 (Esau’s “best” garments)
- Gen 41:42 (Garments of fine linen)
- Exodus 28:2 (The holy garments of Aaron & the priesthood)
- 2 Sam 6:14 (David’s linen ephod that he dances in)
- 1 Chron 15:27 (David’s robe of fine linen)
- Esther 8:15 (Mordechai in royal garments)